The temperature and humidity zones map shows the climate of Australia classified according to temperature and humidity properties across the country. These maps are based on temperature and humidity data collected over the period 1961 to 1990.This method of classification identifies six key zones across Australia, based on a set of definitions relating to summer and winter conditions:
The distribution of these six zones can be compared to the maps for temperature and relative humidity with "hot humid summer" identified for areas of northern Australia, through to "mild/warm summer, cold winter" identified in Tasmania and alpine.
Köppen maps
The Köppen classification maps show six major groups and 27 sub-groups of climate zones across Australia. These climate zones are defined with the climatic limits of native vegetation in mind. This method of classification is based on the concept that native vegetation is the best expression of climate in an area.
The six major classes are identified predominantly on native vegetation type, with the additional sub-groups taking into consideration seasonal distribution of temperature and precipitation:
Interactive Koppen Climate Classification Map for Australia & New Zealand @
Interactive Koppen Climate Classification Map for Australia & New Zealand
"A hardiness zone is a geographic area defined as having a certain average annual minimum temperature, a factor relevant to the survival of many plants.
The original and most widely used system, developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a rough guide for landscaping and gardening, defines 13 zones by long-term average annual extreme minimum temperatures. It has been adapted by and to other countries (such as Canada) in various forms." (Hardiness zone - Wikipedia )
"Plant hardiness refers to their ability to survive the conditions of a particular location, including tolerance of heat, soil moisture, humidity and so on. This map is based only on how well they survive low temperatures in winter" (Plant Hardiness Zones for Australia (
Coona Fresh climate guide is as follows.
Tropical - Plant Hardiness Zone = 240+ growing days
Warm Sub-tropical Zones 10b-11a
Tropical Zones 11b-13a
Warm/ Temperate - Plant Hardiness Zones = 150-240 growing days
Cool Sub-tropical to Warm Temperate 9b-10a
Cool Sub-tropical to Temperate 10b
Mediterranean Zone 9b-10a
Temperate 9b
Cool/Highland - Plant Hardiness Zones = Below 150 growing days
Cool Temperate 8a - 9a
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